Torah Archive

7/12/24 Chukas (5775) | The First Marital Therapist in History
4/05/24 Shemini | GUNS ‘N’ MOSES
3/29/24 Tzav/Parah | Parshas Parah - A Real "Bull" Story
3/15/24 Pekudei | The Blessing of a Tzaddik
3/08/24 Vayakheil (Shekalim) | MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!
2/23/24 Tetzaveh | A LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS?
2/08/24 Mishpatim | KIDNAPPING YOUR KID
1/12/24 Va'eira | WHAT'S IN A (HEBREW) NAME?
1/05/24 Shemos | MOSES: THE EARLY YEARS
12/29/23 Vayechi | Parshas Vayechi 2023
12/01/23 Vayishlach | THINKING OUT OF THE BOX
11/24/23 Vayeitzei | YARMULKA: THE BEST COVERAGE
11/17/23 Toldos | GREAT JEWISH NOSES
11/10/23 Chayei Sarah | “BASHERT”: WHAT IT REALLY MEANS
10/20/23 Noah | BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE NUMBER 70 …
9/01/23 Ki Savo | I BELIEVE IN WHAT?
8/25/23 Ki Seitzei | TESHUVAH: COMING HOME
8/18/23 Shoftim | Teshuvah: G-d's Amazing Gift to Mankind
5/25/23 Shavuos Issue | A BEAUTIFUL MIDRASH
5/12/23 Behar-Bechukosai | THE TORAH AND THE LEAFS
5/05/23 Emor | To Die For
4/28/23 Acharei Mos-Kedoshim | CHINUCH: PRACTICE FOR THE REAL THING
4/21/23 Tazria-Metzora | OF BRISSIM AND BLOOD CLOTTING
3/31/23 Tzav | Ritual Reality
3/17/23 Vayakhel-Pekudei | SHABBOS: “HEAD” OF THE WEEK
3/03/23 Tetzaveh | Chutzpah
2/17/23 Mishpatim | “LAWYER JOKES” AND THE TORAH
2/10/23 Yisro | IN-LAWS: YOU GOTTA LOVE ‘EM!
2/03/23 Beshalach | MY FATHER’S TORAH
1/19/23 Va’eira | YIDDISH: THE “HOLY” LANGUAGE
12/16/22 Chanukah Issue | IT’S NOT "ALL OR NOTHING" IN JUDAISM
11/28/22 Toldos | Rebecca: A rue Jewish Mother
11/25/22 Toldos (5783) | REBECCA: A TRUE JEWISH MOTHER
11/18/22 Chayei Sarah | Signs
10/28/22 Noah | Synonyms for Death
9/30/22 Vayeilech / Shabbos Shuvah | How Tom Make Your Jewish New Year's Resolutions Stick
9/23/22 Rosh Hashana Issue | "I Heard That Already!"
9/16/22 Ki Savo | The Wandering Jew in the Exile: an Amazing Prediction Come True!
9/09/22 Ki Seitzei | Rosh Hashana and The "Country Bumpkin"
9/02/22 Shoftim | “RABBINIC JUDAISM”: Do These Rabbis Think They're G-d?
8/25/22 Re'eh | Ten Things You May Not Know About Teshuva (Repentance)
8/19/22 Eikev | Seven Things You May Not Know About Bentching
8/05/22 Devarim | Breaking News Ap - The Associated Press
7/29/22 Mattos - Masei | Seven Habits of Highly Habitual Gossipers
7/22/22 Pinchas | The Best Thing You Can Do For a Departed Loved One
7/08/22 Chukas | 30 Things We Learn in 30 Years of Marriage
7/01/22 Korach | The End of All "Incurable" Diseases
6/24/22 Shelach | Tzaitzis: How It Really Works
6/17/22 Beha’alosecha | Five Famous Ba'alei Teshuva
6/10/22 Nasso | That's AMORE!
6/03/22 Bamidbar | The Gift
5/27/22 Bechukosai | Seven Classic Jewish Responses Upon Hearing Bad News
5/20/22 Behar | The "Borscht Belt" and the World to Come
5/13/22 Emor | Then Things You May Not Know About a Kohen
5/05/22 Kedoshim | "Press Any Key To Abort"
4/15/22 Passover Issue | Nishmas and the Pope
4/07/22 Metzora | Talk is Cheep
4/01/22 Tazria | Childbirth 101
3/25/22 Shemini | Get The Job Done!
3/18/22 Purim Issue | How Not To Stop An Intermarriage
3/11/22 Vayikra | Amalek and Genocide
3/04/22 Pekudei | FRIDAY NIGHT SHABBOS MEAL: “Don’t Give Up! The Messiah is Coming Soon”
2/25/22 Vayakhel | Three From Rabbi Zee - FRIDAY NIGHT SHABBOS MEAL: “Why do we Light Shabbos Candles on Friday Night?”
2/18/22 Ki Sisa | Three from Rabbi Zee
2/11/22 Tetzaveh | Three (Unrelated Torah Thoughts) From Rabbi Zee
1/28/22 Mishpatim | Fifteen Things You Need to Know About Shemittas Kesafim
1/20/22 Yisro | The "Baruch Hashem" Jew
1/14/22 Beshalach | End of Days 101
1/07/22 Bo | It's Not Too Late ...
12/31/21 Va'eira | Jews on Krak
12/23/21 Shemos | The Book of Names?
12/17/21 Vayechi | "Social Commentary" of the Talmud
12/10/21 Vayigash | Making Aliyah - Moving Up in the World
11/26/21 Vayeishev | "Dearly Beloved" and Other Redundancies
11/19/21 Vayishlach | “ANTI-SEMITISM: The Haters Gonna Hate…”
11/12/21 Vayeitzei | What They Never Told You About Jewish Weddings
11/05/21 Toldos | Do I Have to Listen to my Parents?
10/29/21 Chayei Sarah | What's so Great about Daf Yomi?
10/22/21 Vayeira | Cholent on Jeopardy!
10/14/21 Lech Lecha | Amazing Hashgachah Pratis (Divine Providence)!
9/24/21 Sukkos Issue | "Mi Sukkah Es Su Sukkah!"
9/15/21 Yom Kippur Issue | CHARATA (Regret): The First Principle of Teshuva (Repentance)
9/10/21 Vayeilech | " I Believe in WHAT?! " The Meaning if the Word AMEN
9/03/21 Nitzavim/Rosh HAshana Issue | Rosh Hashana and the Taliban
8/27/21 Ki Savo | Building a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel
8/20/21 Ki Seitzei | The Three-Day-A-Year Relationship
8/13/21 Shoftim | Judaism in Thirds
8/06/21 Re'eh | Honey, I Bought the Land of Israel
7/30/21 Eikev | Mourning and Consolation 101
7/16/21 Devarim | Deuteronomy and the Sixth Millennium
7/09/21 Mattos - Masei | Brainwashing is a Good Thing...
7/02/21 Pinchas | Life's Little Instruction E-mail
6/25/21 Balak | To Sew a Few Buttons?
6/18/21 Chukas | Supporting Torah Study: The Greatest ZECHUS (Merit)
6/11/21 Korach | "Grounds" For an Argument
6/04/21 Shelach | Talmud Torah: Setting Fixed Times for Torah Study
5/28/21 Be'haaloscha (5781) | Reb Moshe and the Goral Ha'Gra: An Amazing Story
5/21/21 Nasso (5781) | "Live Long & Prosper!"
5/14/21 Bamidbar (5781) | My Personal Plea to the Jewish People
5/07/21 Behar-Bechukosai | The Stampede in Tanzania and Jewish Unity
4/30/21 Emor | "Genesis" and Beyond: Th Many Names of The Books of The Torah
4/22/21 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim | G-D: The Silent Partner
4/16/21 Tazria-Metzora | The Jewish Way of Counting Days, Months, Years
4/08/21 Shemini | Pirkei Avos ("Ethics of the Fathers") Torah That Can Change Your Life
3/26/21 Tzav/Passover Issue | Days of Our Lives
3/19/21 Vayikra | Searching for Chametz: Are We Missing the Boat?
3/12/21 Vayakhel-Pekudei | To be New and Young Again
3/05/21 Ki Sisa | Of Palindromes and Ponzi Schemes
2/18/21 Terumah/Zachor | Evolution and Amalek
2/12/21 Mishpatim | “Trumped-UP” Charges and "Capitol Punishment"
2/05/21 Yisro | Lesson of the Miraculous Luchos (Tablets)
1/29/21 Beshalach | Eat, Drink, and be Merry for Tomorrow We Diet...
1/22/21 Bo | Seven Things You May Not Know about Passover Night
1/15/21 Va'eira | Let's Pray for Government!
1/07/21 Shemos | If We Don't Learn From Our Past... We're History!
1/01/21 Vayechi | "Ethical Wills" in Judaism
12/25/20 Vayigash | Jewish "Fast Days" You Likely Never Heard Of
12/18/20 Miketz | Rabbi Zee's Takeaway Mashal and Message for Chanukah
12/11/20 Vayeishev/Chanukah Issue | Politically Incorrect Chanukah
12/04/20 Vayishlach | Priceless!
11/27/20 Vayeitzei | The Tzaddik and the Stones
11/20/20 Toldos | Every Breath You Take
11/13/20 Chayei Sarah | Death and Marriage: A Comparison
11/06/20 Vayeira | Do One Thing Really, Really Well
10/30/20 Lech Lecha | Then Things You May Not Know About Rabbis
10/23/20 Noach | Noach The "Zookeeper" and Other Tough Jobs
10/16/20 Bereshis | A Book is a Man's Best Friend
10/09/20 Succos/Hoshana Rabba | Prayer and the "Aravah Branch" of Judaism
10/02/20 Succos | Politically Incorrect Succos: THE “SEVENTY BULLS” AND THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD
9/25/20 Haazinu/Yom Kippur Issue | A Blessing on your Head...
9/18/20 Rosh Hashanah | The Shofar and the Chauffeur
9/11/20 Nitzavim- Vayeilech | Labels are for Garments!
9/04/20 Ki Savo | The True Measure of a Man
8/28/20 Ki Seitzei | How to Make your Spouse Happy
8/21/20 Shoftim | The Last Day of Your Life!
8/14/20 Re'eh | Jews, Charity and the Number 18
8/07/20 Eikev | The Time is NOW!
7/28/20 Tisha B'Av Issue | The Final Prophecy
7/24/20 Devarim | Pentateuch? What's Pentateuch?
7/17/20 Mattos- Masei | The Story of Rachel, The Wife of Rabbi Akiva
7/10/20 Pinchas | How to Find Answers to Our Spiritual Dilemmas
7/01/20 Chukas- Balak | "Sing Your Own Song!"
6/26/20 Korach | Teachable (Torah) Moments
6/19/20 Shelach | Tzitzis: The Mitzvah With The Strings Attached
6/12/20 Beha'alosecha | Seven Things You Might Not Know About The Tribe of Levi
6/05/20 Naso | Making Us Laugh Again
5/22/20 Bamidbar | What, Me Worry?
5/14/20 Behar- Bechukosai | The Gift
5/08/20 Emor | The Center of Judaism
5/01/20 Acharei Mos- Kedoshim | Polygamy in Jewish History
4/24/20 Tazria-Metzora | Talmudic Advice for What to Do During a Plague
4/08/20 Passover Issue | Matza: Doing it Right, on Passover Night!
4/02/20 Tzav | Four Stories About Jews and "Monetary Loss"
3/27/20 Vayikra | Asher Yatzar: Protection from Viruses and Disease
3/20/20 Vayakhel-Pekudei | Passover in Egypt: The First "Quarantine" in History
3/12/20 Ki Sisa | Come Again? Reincarnation in Judaism
3/05/20 Tetzaveh | The "Narrowness" of Amalek
2/28/20 Terumah | Don't Worry, Be Jewish!
2/21/20 Mishpatim | An Eye for an Eye?
2/14/20 Yisro | Timeless Torah or "Old" Testament
2/07/20 Beshalach | Maimonides' Guarantee
1/31/20 Bo | Jew Wants to be a Millionaire
1/24/20 Va'eira | Ten Things You May Not Know About The Ten Plagues in Egypt
1/17/20 Shemos | A Rabbi and His Staff
1/10/20 Vayechi | Dead Bodies on a Plane
1/03/20 Vayigash | A Blessing on POTUS
12/26/19 Miketz | Chanukah Issue
12/20/19 Vayeishev | The "Birthday Parties" of the Ksav Sofer
12/13/19 Vayishlach | Where Are Your Dishes?
12/06/19 Vayeitzei | Marriage Prep 101
11/29/19 Toldos | The Chafetz Chaim's "Prayer Guarantee"
11/21/19 Chayei Sarah | The Chazon Ish, Ben-Gurion, and the "Status Quo"
11/15/19 Vayeira | Abraham and Sarah's Hachnosas Orchim (Hospitality) Guide
11/08/19 Lech Lecha | Are You an "Independent Thinker"?
11/01/19 Noach | Rainbow in the Cloud
10/25/19 Bereishit (5780) | Of Cain and Canines: The First Pet in History
10/11/19 Ha'azinu + Sukkot | Ten Things You May Not Know About The Sukkah
10/04/19 Vayelech + Yom Kippur Issue | Day of Atonement and Smoked Fish
9/27/19 Nitzavim + Rosh Hashanah Issue | Aleinu: The Most "Politically Incorrect" Prayer of All
9/20/19 Ki Savo | The Shofar and the Resurrection
9/13/19 Ki Seitzei | The Get We Never Got
9/06/19 Shoftim (5779) | Teshuvah: G-d's Amazing Gift to Mankind
8/30/19 Re'eh (5779) | Bibi Does Shabbos
8/23/19 Eikev | Heavenly Manna and Life Insurance
8/16/19 Va’eschanan | The Haftaros of Consolation and the "Missing 165 Years"
8/09/19 Devarim (5779) | Senseless Hatred 101
8/02/19 Mattos-Masei (5779) | Sand and the Jewish People
7/26/19 Pinchas (5779) | Put Your Finger in Your Ear!
7/19/19 Balak (5779) | How "Goodly" Are Thy Bible Translations
7/12/19 Chukas (5779) | Ten Things To Know About Moses' Older Sister Miriam
7/05/19 Korach (5779) | Why Jews Love to Throw Stuff at the Bride and Groom
6/28/19 Shelach (5779) | Walk like a Jew, Talk Like a Jew ... Part 2
6/21/19 Behaalotcha (5779) | Walk like a Jew, Talk like a Jew ....
6/14/19 Nasso (5779) | The Next Jewish Holiday is ...?
6/07/19 Bamidbar - Shavuos Edition 5779 | Take Two Tablets...
5/30/19 Bechukosai (5778) | Earthquakes in the Land of Israel
5/24/19 Behar (5779) | Flowers at the Gravesites: A Jewish Thing?
5/17/19 Emor 5779 | The story of Avraham Ben Avraham: The Ger Tzedek of Vilna
5/10/19 Kedoshim | Shuls Have Rules
5/03/19 Achrei Mot | Chillin’ In The World To Come
4/18/19 Pesach Edition | Passover Eggs
4/12/19 Metzora (Hagadol) 5779 | The Scariest Thing You'll Ever Read
4/05/19 Tazria (Hachodesh) 5779 | Fifteen things you may not know about Passover, Matzah and Marror
3/29/19 Shemini (Parah) 5779 | The “Octomom” and the Exodus
3/22/19 Tzav (Purim Edition) 5779 | Ree Threasons For Pinking on Drurim
3/15/19 Vayikra (Zachor) 5779 | Prayer: Wanted Dead or Alive!
3/08/19 Pekudei (5779) | Simple Mistakes, Sincere Intentions
3/01/19 Vayakheil (5779) Shekalim | Shidduch 101
2/22/19 Ki Sisa (5779) | Parkinson's Insights
2/15/19 Tetzaveh (5779) | Clothes Encounters of the Torah Kind
2/08/19 Terumah (5779) | The Best Thing You Can Do For A Departed One
2/01/19 Mishpatim (5779) | "Kosher" Foods: What They Never Taught in Hebrew School
1/25/19 Yisro (5779) | The 10 = 613 + 7 Commandments
1/18/19 Beshalach (5779) | A Powerful "Paraoh"llel
1/11/19 Bo (5779) | The Flight From Egypt and the Little "Black Box"
1/04/19 Va'eira (5779) | New Year's vs. Rosh Hashanah
12/28/18 Shemos (5779) | Jewish Abortions and Pharaoh's "Midwife Crisis"
12/21/18 Vayechi (5779) | "Bless Up"
12/14/18 Vayigash (5779) | "Joe Cool"
12/07/18 Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5779 | An Open Letter to Adam Sandler
11/30/18 Vayeishev (5779) | Midrash: The Story Behind the Story
11/23/18 Vayishlach (5779) | Why Do You Ask My Name?
11/16/18 Vayeitzei (5779) | Marriage Prep in Mesopotamia
11/09/18 Toldos (5779) | Why Jews Don't Proselytize
11/01/18 Chayei Sara (5779) | Oy, Canada!
10/26/18 Vayeira (5779) | Abraham and "Religious Coercion"
10/19/18 Lech Lecha (5779) | Ewe Again? Cloning and Making Souls
10/12/18 Noach (5779) | The Tower of Babel and other True Bible Stories
10/05/18 Bereishit (5779) | Resting for Dummies
9/21/18 Haazinu (5779) Sukkot Edition | Hebrew and Yiddish Sabbath and Holiday Greetings 101
9/14/18 Vayeilech (5779) Yom Kippur Edition | King Kong, Yom Kippur and the "Real You"
9/07/18 Nitzavim (5778) Rosh Hashanah Edition | Rosh Hashanah: Putting Life Into Proper Perspective
9/03/18 Ki Tavo (5778) | Trial Prep for Rosh Hashanah
8/24/18 Ki Teitzei (5778) | The Honeymoon vs. Sheva Berachos
8/17/18 Shoftim (5778) | "I Used to Sin, But Now I Don't Do That Anymore!"
8/10/18 Re'eh (5778) | Bagels and (Side)Locks
8/03/18 Eikev (5778) | Choose Wisely!
7/27/18 Va'etchanan (Nachamu) 5778 | The Weird and Wacky Wisdom of Jewish Rituals
7/20/18 Devarim (5778) | Now You Siyum, Now You Don't!
7/12/18 Mattos-Massei (5778) | Have You Moved To Israel Yet?
7/06/18 Pinchas (5778) | The Three Saddest Weeks in the Jewish Calendar
6/29/18 Balak (5778) | Public Speaking 101
6/22/18 Chukas (5778) | Are We There Yet?
6/15/18 Korach (5778) | Korach and the Knesset
6/08/18 Shelach (5778) | Will you be able to take a stand?
6/01/18 Behaaloscha (5778) | Tosefes Shabbos: The Jewish Litmus Test
5/25/18 Nasso (5778) | Monkey Business
5/18/18 Bamidbar (Shavuot Edition) 5778 | Mount Sinai and the UN
5/11/18 Behar-Bechukosai (5778) | Ona'as Devarim: Words CAN Hurt!
5/04/18 Emor (5778) | You Can Say That Again!
4/27/18 Acharei-Kedoshim (5778) | My Mother In-Law IS Your Mother In-Law!
4/19/18 Tazria-Metzora (5778) | "Press Any Key to Abort"
4/19/18 Shemini (5778) | A Holocaust Lesson
4/01/18 Pesach Edition | Elijah's Cup: A Passover Story
3/16/18 Vayikra (Hachodesh) 5778 | Animal Sacrifices and the Daily Prayers: A Korban Copy
3/09/18 Vahakhel - Pikudei (Parah) 5778 | The Blessing of a Tzaddik
3/02/18 Ki Tisa (5778) | The "Who's Who" of the Jewish People
2/23/18 Tetzaveh (Zachor) 5778 | Chutzpah
2/16/18 Terumah (5778) | The Ark and the Table: How do you measure up?
2/09/18 Mishpatim (Shekalim) 5778 | South Korea and the Talmud
2/02/18 Yisro (5778) | What Are Parents For?
1/26/18 Beshalach (5778) | Just Don't Get in G-d's Way!
1/19/18 Bo (5778) | Tefillin: Men in Black
1/12/18 Vaeira (5778) | Jews & Beards
1/05/18 Shemos (5778) | Pharoah and the Jews: Too Busy to Think
12/29/17 Vayechi (5778) | Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up?
12/22/17 Vayigash (5778) | Who Will Be The "Zaidy"s of our Children?
12/12/17 Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5778 | A "Spin" on the Dreidel and other Chanukah Customs
12/08/17 Vayeishev (5778) | Facebook "Friends and True Friendships
12/01/17 Vayishlach (5778) | This Holiday Season ... Give the Gift of Bitachon
11/24/17 Vayeitzei (5778) | "Hey, Jew!"
11/17/17 Toldos (5778) | A Mystical Look at Life Inside the Womb
11/10/17 Chayei Sara (5778) | Days of our Lives
11/03/17 Vayeira (5778) | Kiruv: Why We Do It
10/27/17 Lech Lecha (5778) | "Go For Yourself" - The Stuff That Jews Are Made Of
10/20/17 Noach (5778) | Pru U'rvu: What They Never Taught You in Hebrew School
10/10/17 - Sukkot 5778 | Happiness is ... Sitting in the Sukkah
9/29/17 Yom Kippur (5778) | READ THIS! It May Change Your Life!
9/20/17 Haazinu - Rosh Hashanah (5778) | Tashlich Lessons
9/15/17 Nitzavim-Vayeilech (5777) | Starting at the Finish Line
9/08/17 Ki Tavo (5777) | It's All Decided on Rosh Hashanah
9/01/17 Ki Teitzei (5777) | Take My Son, Please!
8/25/17 Shoftim (5777) | Ten Things You May Not Know About Teshuvah (Repentance)
8/18/17 Reeh (5777) | Why We Make No Blessing On The Mitzvah of Tzedakah
8/11/17 Eikev (5777) | Don't Sell Yourself Short!
8/02/17 VaEtchanan (Nachamu) 5777 | The Holy Temple Rebuilt: Will We Live To See It?
7/26/17 Bamidbar (5777) | You Be The Judge!
7/21/17 Matos-Masei (5777) | Eretz Yisrael: The "Supernatural" Land
7/14/17 Pinchas (5777) | Imagine
7/07/17 Balak (5777) | Curses, Curses, Curses ...
6/30/17 Chukas (5777) | Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child?
6/22/17 Korach (5777) | How to Fight Right
6/16/17 Shelach (5777) | Making Fun of the Dead
6/09/17 BeHaalotcha (5777) | Your Ticket to Heaven
5/26/17 Bamidbar (Shavuot) 5777 | Shavuot: The Forgotten Jewish Holiday?
5/19/17 Behar-Bechukotai (5777) | Racking Up Those Mitzvahs!
5/12/17 Emor (5777) | (Jewish) Mother's Day
5/05/17 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5777) | Jews and Tattoos
4/28/17 Tazria-Metzora (5777) | Taboo or not Taboo:The Jewish "Family Purity" Laws
4/21/17 Shemini (5777) | Silence and Mourning
4/07/17 -- Pesach (5777) | Pesach: Time to "Pass Over" Judaism to the Next Generation
3/30/17 Vayikra (5777) | Torah 101: A Student's Guide to Spiritual Growth
3/24/17 Vayakheil-Pekudei (5777) | Blessings: Shortcuts to God
3/17/17 Ki Tisa (5777) | Is Judaism for Kids?
3/10/17 Tetzaveh (5777) | Ivanka and the Purim Miracle
3/03/17 Terumah (5777) | Fake News and Real Jews
2/24/17 Mishpatim (5777) | More To The Ear Than Meets The Eye
2/17/17 Yisro (5777) | The Lesson of the "Humiliated" Stones
2/10/17 Beshalach (5777) | Fifteen Things You May Not Know About Pomegranates
2/03/17 Bo (5777) | Remember the Exodus!
1/27/17 Vaeira (5777) | What's in a Hebrew Name?
1/20/17 Shemos (5777) | The Messiah is Living Among Us!
1/13/17 Vayechi (5777) | Havdallah and Your Soul
1/06/17 Vayigash (5777) | Euthenasia: Mercy or Murder?
12/30/16 Mikeitz (5777) | Joseph and the Expanding ANI
12/23/16 Vayaishev (5777) | COSMIC CONSEQUENCES
12/16/16 Vayishlach (5777) | Dust in the Wind
12/09/16 Vayeitzei (5777) | The Story Behind the name Adina
12/02/16 Toldot (5777) | The 'Right' Age to Marry
11/25/16 Chayei Sara (5777) | What Are Friends For?
11/15/16 Vayeira (5777) | The Two Obligations of Chinuch Habanim
11/11/16 Lech Lecha (5777) | Of Dogs and "Aufruf"
11/04/16 Noach (5777) | Vegetarianism and Judaism - Do They Mix?
10/28/16 Bereishis (5777) | Adam & Eve: The Original "Adam's Family"
10/14/16 -- Sukkot (5777) | Suicide Bombings and the "Clouds of Glory"
10/09/16 -- Yom Kippur (5777) | A Fish Tale for Yom "Kipper"
10/07/16 Vayeilech (5777) | The Last Commandment
9/30/16 Nitzavim (5776) | The Blessing and the Curse
9/23/16 Ki Tavo (5776) | How to Annul All Harsh Decrees This Rosh Hashanah
9/16/16 Ki Teitzei (5776) | Traditional Jewish Burial vs Cremation: A "Burning" Issue
9/09/16 Shoftim (5776) | Do You Believe in Teshuvah?
9/02/16 Reeh (5776) | Prepare Yourselves ... The Day of Judgment is Coming!!
8/26/16 Eikev (5776) | Dining in the Dark
8/19/16 VaEtchanan (Nachamu) 5776 | The Jewish People's Identity Crisis
8/10/16 Devarim (Chazon) 5776 | What's a "Shalom Zachor"?
8/05/16 Matos-Masei (5776) | The Most Glorious Nation on Earth
8/01/16 Pinchas (5776 | Hillary, Trump and the Lack of True Leadership
7/22/16 Balak (5776) | Harry Potter and the Talking Donkey
7/15/16 Chukas (5776) | Torah and Technology
7/05/16 Korach (5776) | Of Pigeons and Priests: Redemption of the Firstborn
7/01/16 Shelach (5776) | Only Passing Through ...
6/24/16 Behaalotcha (5776) | Judaism Unchanged
6/17/16 Nasso (5776) | A Spirit of Foolishness
6/10/16 Bamidbar (Shavuot) 5776 | Mount Sinai: Over Our Heads
6/03/16 Bechukotai (5776) | Happy 3328th Anniversary
5/26/16 Behar (5776) | Judaism: The Seven-Year Religion?
5/20/16 Emor (5776) | Tears
5/13/16 Kedoshim (5776) | Correct Your Neighbor!
5/06/16 Acharei Mos (5776) | Kollel: What is it and why is everybody doing it?
5/05/16 Pesach (5776) | Hiddur Mitzvah: Making Our Mitzvos Great Again
4/15/16 Metzora (5776) | Let Charlton Heston Go!
4/08/16 Tazria (5776) | The Passover "Rush"
4/01/16 Shemini (5776) | The "Wise Men" of Papunya
3/23/16 Purim | Men are from Baghdad, Women are from Damascus
3/18/16 Vayikra (5776) | Korbanos (Ritual Sacrifices): Are They a Thing of The Past?
3/11/16 Pekudei (5776) | Team Jewish People
3/03/16 Vayakheil (Shekalim) 5776 | MONEY, MONEY, MONEY
2/26/16 Ki Tisa (5776) | Ritual Hand-Washing and the Jews
2/19/16 Tetzaveh (5776) | A Light Unto The Nations?
2/12/16 Terumah (5776) | My Son, The Talmid Chacham (Torah Scholar)
2/05/16 Mishpatim (5776) | What Happened to the Girgashi?
1/29/16 Yisro (5776) | Murder, G-d Wrote
1/22/16 Beshalach (5776) | "Doctor G-d"
1/15/16 Bo (5776) | Snow White and the Seven Lessons
1/10/16 Vaeira (5776) | Why Lashon Hara (Slander) is the Worst Sin Ever
1/01/16 Shemos (5776) | Moses: The Early Years
12/25/15 Vayechi (5776) | Christmas Eve or Nittel Nacht?
12/17/15 Vayigash (5776) | Leap (Year) of Faith
12/11/15 Mikeitz (5776) | WE ARE FAMILY
12/04/15 Vayeishev (5776) | An Incredible Story Within a Story
11/27/15 Vayishlach (5776) | The First Wrestling Match in History
11/20/15 Vayeitzei (5776) | Two "Small" Blessings That Last a Lifetime
11/13/15 Toldos (5776) | "My Son, The Hunter?"
11/06/15 Chayei Sara (5776) | Maimonides and the Arabs
10/30/15 Vayeira (5776) | Lot's Daughters: The Story Behind the Story
10/23/15 Lech Lecha (5776) | Lessons from the Life of Rabbi Meir Schapiro Z"TL
10/16/15 Noach (5776) | The Jews & The Jays
10/09/15 Bereishis (5776) | Shabbos: A Jew's Business
9/25/15 Haazinu (Sukkot) 5776 | Be Happy!!!
9/18/15 Vayeilech - Shuva (5776) | One Step at a Time
9/10/15 Nitzavim - Rosh Hashanah (5776) | An Amazing Torah Prophecy: Many Happy "Returns"
9/04/15 Ki Savo (5776) | Tefillin in Your Head
8/28/15 Ki Teitzei (5775) | King David: He Wrote The Songs That Make The Whole World Sing
8/21/15 Shoftim (5775) | The Torah Goes Green
8/14/15 Reeh (5775) | Right Between the Eyes!
8/07/15 Eikev (5775) | Got Cholent? ... Why Jews Eat The Foods We Do
7/31/15 Va�eschanan (5775) | Yearning for the Messiah
7/24/15 Devarim (5775) | Famous Last Words
7/17/15 Matos-Masei (5775) | The Gift of Speech
7/10/15 Pinchas (5775) | Fargin
7/02/15 Balak (5775) | The 17th of Tammuz and the 4th of July
6/26/15 Chukas (5775) | The First Marital Therapist in History
6/19/15 Korach (5775) | Hair
6/12/15 Shelach (5775) | Spy in the Land of Israel
6/01/15 Behaaloscha (5775) | Of Prophets and Dreamers
5/29/15 Nasso (5775) | You Can't Take It With You
5/22/15 Shavuos (5775) | Kerias HaTorah (The Reading of The Torah):
What They Never Taught us in Hebrew School
5/15/15 Behar-Bechukotai (5775) | Public Service Announcement!
5/08/15 Emor (5775) | "Kohein"
4/30/15 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5775) | Knowing Me, Knowing You ...
4/24/15 Tazria - Metzora (5775) | The Final Song
4/17/15 Shemini (5775) | What a Different World It Would Be ...
4/03/15 Pesach 5775 | Dayeinu: "Itemizing" Our Way to True Happiness
3/27/15 Tzav [Hagadol] 5775 | R' Naphtali Ropshitzer's Pre-Pesach Lesson
3/20/15 Vayikra [Haachodesh] 5775 | When There's A Will ...
3/13/15 Vayakheil-Pekudei (5775) | A Real "Bull" Story
3/06/15 Ki Sisa - Purim (5775) | Purim Versus Halloween
2/27/15 Tetzaveh (5775) | �SHUT UP!�
2/20/15 Terumah (5775) | Judaism is NOT a Religion
2/13/15 Mishpatim (5775) | The Majority and the Truth
2/06/15 Yisro (5775) | The 10 Commandments: An Early Christian Myth
1/30/15 Beshalach (5775) | Kol Isha
1/23/15 Bo (5775) | The Girl Who Cried Wolf: A Talmudic Tale
1/16/15 Vaeira (5775) | "Mishan" Possible
1/09/15 Shemos (5775) | Take Your Shoes Off!!
1/02/15 Vayechi (5775) | My Son, The Rabbi
12/26/14 Vayigash (5775) | The "Shema": The Jewish Response to Life's Most Difficult Question
12/19/14 Mikeitz (5775) | Joseph and the "One-Life Ticket"
12/12/14 Vayeishev (5775) | Joseph's Coat of Many Colors: A Lesson in Envy
12/05/14 Vayishlach (5775) | Anti-Semitism: Is it here to stay?
11/28/14 Vayeitzei (5775) | A Boy Named "Thanks"
11/21/14 Toldos (5775) | Rabbi Chaim Vital on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
11/14/14 Chayei Sara (5775) | "IF"
11/07/14 Vayeira (5775) | Unveiling the "Unveiling"
10/30/14 Lech Lecha (5775) | "Star Search"
10/24/14 Noach (5775) | Long Live Longevity!
10/08/14 -- Sukkot | Eiruv Tavshilin and the Messianic Age
10/03/14 -- Yom Kippur | Are You Dying to Know What Life is All About?
9/23/14 Haazinu & Rosh Hashanah | Jews, Brisket and the Day of Judgement
9/19/14 Nitzavim - Vayeilech | The Longest Shabbos
9/12/14 Ki Tavo (5774) | Arranged Marriage
9/05/14 Ki Teitzei (5774) | An Ox and A Donkey
8/29/14 Shoftim (5774) | The Complete Idiot's Guide to The First Blessing of The Amidah
8/22/14 Re-eh (5774) | What's in a Name (of G-d)?
8/15/14 Eikev (5774) | Sink or Swim
8/08/14 Va�eschanan (5774) | The Mourning After Tisha B'Av
8/01/14 Devarim (5774) | "Like a Single Person, With a Single Desire"
7/25/14 Masei (5774) | Journeys
7/18/14 Mattos (5774) | Prayer: Our True Protective Edge
7/11/14 Pinchas (5774) | Everything Counts
7/04/14 Balak (5774) | Missionaries at Walmart
6/26/14 Chukas (5774) | Blood Libels, Kidnappings and the Jewish People
6/20/14 Korach (5774) | Resurrection
6/13/14 Shelach (5774) | Judaism & Asking Questions
6/06/14 Behaaloscha (5774) | "When I Have Some Time to Think, I'll Think About Thinking"
5/30/14 Nasso (5774) | That's Amore!
5/23/14 Bamidbar (5774) | A Mitzvah for the Birds
5/15/14 Bechokotai (5774) | "Amelia Bedelia" and the Oral Tradition
5/09/14 Behar (5774) | Honey, I Bought the Land of Israel
5/02/14 Emor (5774) | Sefiras Ha'Omer: Living in the Now!
4/25/14 Kedoshim (5774) | How To Love Your Neighbor Even When You Can't Stand Him
4/11/14 Acharei Mos (Pesach Edition) 5774 | �In Your Blood You Shall Live"
4/04/14 Metzora (5774) | How To Pray For a Sick Person
3/28/14 Tazria (5774) | �Oneg"s and Anagrams
3/21/14 Shemini (5774) | Kosher Giraffes and "Mikvah Jews"
3/14/14 Tzav (5774) | OBAMACHASHVEIROSH (A Purim Parody)
3/04/14 Vayikra (5774) | Synagogues Flowing With Leaven and Honey
2/27/14 Pekudei (5774) | Happy Days Are Here Again
2/21/14 Vayakhel | Shabbos: "Head" of the Week
2/14/14 Ki Sisa (5774) | The Big Question: Who wrote the Torah?
2/07/14 Tetzaveh (5774) | "Wise-Hearted" Jews and Olympic Wannabees
1/31/14 Terumah (5774) | What Ilan Ramon Taught Us All
1/24/14 Mishpatim (5774) | Riddles for Yiddles
1/17/14 Yisro (5774) | The Princess & the Pauper: A Lesson in Faith
1/10/14 Beshalach (5774) | Matchmaking and the Splitting of the Red Sea
1/03/14 Bo (5774) | Birthday Parties: A Torah "How To" Guide
12/27/13 Vaeira (5774) | YIDDISH: The "Holy" Language
12/20/13 Shemos (5774) | The Secret to a Long Lasting Marriage
12/20/13 Shemos (5774) | The Secret to a Long Lasting Marriage
12/13/13 Vayechi (5774) | Asarah B'Teves: The Writing on the Wall
12/06/13 Vayigash (5774) | The Godfather and The Rabbi
11/29/13 Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5774 | Politically Incorrect Chanukah
11/22/13 Vayeishev (5774) | Yeshiva: Torah Education for Every Jew
11/15/13 Vayishlach (5774) | Guns N' Moses
11/08/13 Vayeitzei (5774) | A Life Lesson From Jacob & Rachel
11/01/13 Toldos (5774) | Great Jewish Noses
10/25/13 Chayei Sara (5774) | Eulogy 101
10/18/13 Vayeira (5774) | Liar Liar - When it's OK to Bend the Truth
10/11/13 Lech Lecha (5774) | It's all in the Roots
10/04/13 Noach (5774) | Pretty (Spiritual) Woman
9/18/13 - Sukkot (5774) | The Double-take Mitzvah
9/13/13 Yom Kippur 5774 | The Marvelous Opportunity of Yom Kippur
9/03/13 Rosh Hashana 5774 | A Vocal Cry for Personal Reinvention
8/30/13 Nitzavim-Vayeilech (5773) | Little Orphan AMEN
8/23/13 Ki Savo (5773) | Hagbaha: An "Uplifting" Message
8/16/13 Ki Seitzei (5773) | Teshuva: Coming Home
8/09/13 Shoftim (5773) | Elul: The Beginning of the Jewish "Tourist Season"
8/02/13 Re-eh (5773) | The Fire That Just Won't Go Out
7/26/13 Eikev (5773) | TV Is Bad For Your Child's Health
7/19/13 Va-eschanan (5773) | "Honor Your (Difficult) Father and Your (Difficult) Mother"
7/12/13 Devarim (5773) | How to Change the World in Six (Easy) Steps
7/05/13 Matos - Masei (5773) | Kosher: Blessed by a Rabbi?
6/28/13 Pinchas (5773) | "Wedding Smashers"
6/21/13 Balak (5773) | Abraham and the Sorcerer
6/14/13 Chukas (5773) | Cows, Snakes, and Know it alls
6/07/13 Korach (5773) | Jealosy, Desire and Honor
5/31/13 Shelach (5773) | Avoiding the Challenge
5/24/13 Behaaloscha (5773) | Choices
5/17/13 Nasso (5773) | Do The Right Thing ... No Matter What
5/10/13 Bamidbar (5773) | The Jews and Mount Sinai (Hospital)
5/03/13 Behar - Bechokosai (5773) | The Torah and the Leafs
4/26/13 Emor (5773) | What Rashb"i Taught Us
4/19/13 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5773) | Torah Therapy
4/12/13 Tazria - Metzora (5773) | What to Expect When Expecting ... The Messiah
4/05/13 Shemini (5773) | Get The Job Done!
3/22/13 Tzav - Passover Edition (5773) | The Miracle of the Splitting of the Horse?
3/15/13 Vayikra (5773) | Ritual Reality
3/08/13 Vayakhel-Pekudei (Hachodesh) 5773 | Geulah On My Mind
3/01/13 Ki Tisa (Parah) 5773 | Come Again? Reincarnation in Judaism
2/22/13 Tetzaveh (Purim Edition) 5773 | Who is a Jew?
2/15/13 Terumah (5773) | The Torah Army
2/08/13 Mishpatim (5773) | Kidnapping Your Kid
2/01/13 Yisro (5773) | In-Laws: You Gotta Love 'Em!
1/25/13 Beshalach (5773) | If You Build it, They Will Come
1/18/13 Bo (5773) | The Ten Plagues: Rated "R" for Retribution
1/11/13 Vaeira (5773) | Prayer for the "Emotionally-Challenged"
1/04/13 Shemos (5773) | The Book of Names?
12/28/12 Vayechi (5773) | Illness: Nothing to Sneeze at
12/21/12 Vayigash (5773) | Y6K - The Jewish Doomsday
12/14/12 Mikeitz (5773) | The December Dilemma
12/07/12 Vayeishev (5773) | Shalsheles: Another Link in the Chain
11/30/12 Vayishlach (5773) | Happy Everything!
11/23/12 Vayeitzei (5773) | Yarmulka: The Best Coverage
11/16/12 Toldos (5773) | Anybody Wanna Buy a Birthright?
11/09/12 Chayei Sara (5773) | Get a Life!
11/02/12 Vayeira (5773) | The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick)
10/26/12 Lech Lecha (5773) | Have You Heard The Call?
10/19/12 Noach (5773) | To Have and Have Not
10/12/12 Bereishit (5773) | Ne'ilas Ha'Chag: Taking The Holiday's Lesson With Us
10/05/12 - Simchat Torah Edition | "Everybody Dance Now ..."
9/28/12 Haazinu (5773) | Cheit-Watchers: A Post Yom Kippur Cheit Loss Program
9/24/12 - Yom Kippur (5773) | Thirteen: Judaism's Lucky Number
9/21/12 Vayeilech / Yom Kippur Edition (5773) | The Completes Idiot's Guide to Teshuva and Changing your Life
9/14/12 Rosh Hashanah 5773 | The King Who Was Lost in the Forest: A Rosh Hashanah Parable
9/07/12 Ki Savo (5772) | The "One-Man Community"
8/31/12 Ki Seitzei (5772) | The Wall
8/24/12 Shoftim (5772) | See No Evil
8/17/12 Re-eh (5772) | Rabbi Zee Meets the Zoo Rabbi
8/10/12 Eikev (5772) | Just How "Free" is our "Free Will"?
8/03/12 Va�eschanan (5772) | Shabbos is NOT a Day Off
7/27/12 Devarim (5772) | True Olympic Heroes
7/20/12 Matos-Masei (5772) | Receive The Torah Every Week
7/13/12 Pinchas (5772) | The Messiah and the White House
7/06/12 Balak (5772) | Listen to your Donkey!
6/29/12 Chukas (5772) | Here Comes the Sun
6/22/12 Korach (5772) | A Tale of Two Jews (And Three Opinions!)
6/15/12 Shelach (5772) | It's All A Matter of Perspective
6/08/12 Behaaloscha (5772) | Reb Yeruchom: The Man Who Knew Himself
6/01/12 Nasso (5772) | Individuality and the Penguins
5/25/12 Bamidbar (Shavuot) 5772 | A Personal Plea to the Jewish People
5/18/12 Behar - Bechukosai (5772) | A Beautiful Midrash
5/11/12 Emor (5772) | The Jews and the "Double Standard"
5/04/12 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5772) | G-d: The Silent Partner
4/27/12 Tazria-Metzora (5772) | Talk is "CHEEP"
4/20/12 Shemini (5772) | Rabbi and Angel
4/06/12 -- Pesach (5772) | Laptops and Doorstops and True Freedom
3/30/12 Tzav [Hagadol] 5772 | The Better and the Bitter
3/23/12 Vayikra (Hachodesh) [5772] | Havdalah and the Four Cups of Wine
3/16/12 Vayakhel - Pekudei (5772) | Wait for it
3/09/12 Purim (5772) | The Power of Prayer on Purim
3/02/12 Tetzaveh (5772) | For Whom The Bells Toll
2/24/12 Terumah (5772) | The Making of a "Jewish Home"
2/17/12 Mishpatim (5772) | Here we go again ...
2/10/12 Yisro (5772) | Whole Lotta Shuckelin' Goin' On
2/03/12 Beshalach (5772) | Of Prophets And Maidservants
1/27/12 Bo (5772) | Reparations: Ancient Egypt and the Nazis
1/20/12 Vaeira (5772) | Jews on KRAK
1/13/12 Shemos (5772) | Of Midwives and Matrilineal Descent
1/06/12 Vayechi (5772) | Shabbos: It All Adds Up
12/30/11 Vayigash (5772) | The Math Riddle of the Ibn Ezra
12/16/11 Vayeishev (5772) | To Be A "Shomer Shabbos" Jew
12/09/11 Vayishlach (5772) | The Jews and the (Winter) Blues
12/02/11 Vayeitzei (5772) | I'm Lovin' It?
11/25/11 Toldos (5772) | Rebecca: A True Jewish Mother
11/18/11 Chayei Sara (5772) | Signs
11/11/11 Vayeira (5772) | Sons-in Law and "Daughter-Takers"
11/04/11 Lech Lecha (5772) | Jewish Pride?
10/28/11 Noach (5772) | Brought to you by the number 70 ...
10/18/11 Sukkot (5772) | Mi Sukkah Su Sukkah
10/07/11 Yom Kippur (5772) | �Ball� Nidrei
9/28/11 Rosh Hashanah 5772 | Urgent: Elul Recall Notice
9/27/11 Rosh Hashanah 5772 | A Living Torah ... Forever
9/23/11 Nitzavim - Vayeilech (5771) | How to Make Your Jewish New Year's Resolutions Stick
9/16/11 Ki Savo (5771) | Rosh Hashanah and the Elections
9/09/11 Ki Teitzei (5771) | The Three-a-Day-a-Year Relationship
9/02/11 Shoftim (5771) | "Rabbinic Judaism": Do These Rabbis Think They're G-d?
8/26/11 Re-eh (5771) | We Jews Are All The Same
8/19/11 Eikev (5771) | "Scroll Patrol"
8/12/11 Vaeschanan (Nachamu) 5771 | Check Your Transmission
8/05/11 Devarim [Chazon] 5771 | Eichah: Where Were You?
7/29/11 Masei (5771) | A Swimming Lesson
7/22/11 Matos (5771) | Did Your Dishes Convert Yet?
7/15/11 Pinchas (5771) | As Long As It's Healthy
7/08/11 Balak (5771) | Jewish Liberals and Jewish Destiny
7/01/11 Chukas (5771) | Tefillas Haderech: Staying Connected
6/24/11 Korach (5771) | The Torah's Three-Part "Personality Test"
6/17/11 Shelach (5771) | Nahama D'kisufa and the Purpose of Creation
6/07/11 Shavuos (5771) | Lessons We Learn From a Really Low Teacher
6/03/11 Naso (5771) | "Live Long and Prosper"
5/27/11 Bamidbar (5771) | Got Yichus?
5/20/11 Behaaloscha (5771) | No Heaven for Hawking
5/13/11 Behar (5771) | The Final Exam
5/06/11 Emor (5771) | Osama Bin Laden is Dead ... Yay!!??
4/29/11 Kedoshim (5771) | The Royal Wedding
4/15/11 Acharei Mos / Passover Edition | Passover and the Sadducees
4/08/11 Metzora (5771) | Of Acronyms, Bacronyms and Toracronyms
4/01/11 Tazria (Hachodesh) 5771 | Of Brissim and Blood Clotting
3/25/11 Shemini (Parah) 5771 | The Jews and the News
3/18/11 Purim (5771) | Purim in Four Parts
3/11/11 Vayikra (5771) | The Hidden Hand in History
3/04/11 Pekudei - Shekalim (5771) | Jewish Myths and Urban Legends
2/25/11 VaYakheil (5771) | Tzedakah: Inscribing Your Name on a Building
2/18/11 Ki Sisa (5771) | "Family Day" and Kissing Babies
2/11/11 Tetzaveh (5771) | Clothes Encounters of the Torah Kind
2/03/11 Terumah (5771) | Snow White and the Seven Lessons
1/27/11 Mishpatim (5771) | "Lawyer Jokes" and the Torah
1/20/11 Yisro (5771) | The First Convert In Jewish History
1/14/11 Beshalach (5771) | Miriam: Prophetess and Lead Drummer
1/06/11 Bo (5771) | The Ancients and the Moderns: Who's Better?
12/31/10 Vaeira (5771) | Free Judaism and Free Will
12/23/10 Shemos (5771) | If We Don't Learn From Our Past -- We're History!
12/17/10 Vayechi (5771) | Lost in Translation
12/10/10 Vayigash (5771) | Making Aliyah - Moving Up in the World
12/03/10 Mikeitz (5771) | The Most Famous (Torah) Question of All Time
11/26/10 Vayeishev (5771) | The First Thanksgiving in History
11/19/10 Vayishlach (5771) | Israel's Wars: An Historical Perspective
11/12/10 Vayeitzei (5771) | The Indonesian Minister and "Extramarital Handshaking"
11/05/10 Toldos (5771) | Life and Death Lessons
10/29/10 Chayei Sara (5771) | �Bashert�: What it Really Means
10/22/10 VaYeira (5771) | The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick)
10/15/10 Lech Lecha (5771) | Life is a Test
10/08/10 Noach (5771) | A "Chassidishe Vort"
9/29/10 Berieshis - Simchat Torah (5771) | The Torah: Our Kushan to the Land of Israel
9/22/10 Sukkos (5771) | Sukkos: What They Never Taught You In Hebrew School
9/16/10 Yom Kippur (5771) | A Blessing on Your Head
9/06/10 Rosh Hashanah (5771) | Tashlich Lessons
9/02/10 Nitzavim-Vayeilech (5770) | The Hidden and the Revealed
8/27/10 Ki Savo (5770) | Labels are for Garments
8/20/10 Ki Teitzei (5770) | How to Make Your Spouse Happy
8/13/10 Shoftim (5770) | Life Lessons I Learned from my GPS
8/06/10 Re-eh (5770) | Rabbis and Fish
7/30/10 Eikev (5770) | Tefillah (Prayer): "Bear"ly Concentrating
7/23/10 Va-eschanan (Shabbos Nachamu) 5770 | The Weird and Wacky Wisdom of Jewish Rituals
7/16/10 Devarim (Shabbos Chazon) 5770 | Deuteronomy and the Sixth Millennium
7/09/10 Mattos-Masei (5770) | Brainwashing is a Good Thing ...
7/02/10 Pinchas (5770) | The 17th of Tammuz and the 4th of July
6/25/10 Balak (5770) | Bilaam and the Jews: The World Is Watching Us
6/18/10 Chukas (5770) | All About Yahrtzeit
6/11/10 Korach (5770) | "Grounds" for an Argument
6/04/10 Shelach (5770) | Of Flotillas and Futility: The Secret to Israel's Survival
5/27/10 Behaaloscha (5770) | Reb Moshe and the Goral HaG"ra: An Amazing Story
5/21/10 Nasso (5770) | �My Son, The Nazirite"
5/14/10 Bamidbar (5770) | Kabbalas HaTorah: The Wedding in the Desert
5/07/10 Behar-Bechukosai (5770) | Soundbites for the Ages
4/30/10 Emor (5770) | To Die For
4/23/10 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5770) | "Earth Day" and the Omer
4/16/10 Tazria-Metzora (5770) | A Boy or a Girl? The Ethics of Gender Selection
4/09/10 Shemini (5770) | Pirkei Avos: The Torah's 6-Week Crash Course in Jewish Ethics
3/26/10 Pesach (5770) | Happy Birthday!
3/19/10 Vayikra (5770) | Matzah: The Bread of Affliction?!
3/12/10 Vayakheil-Pekudei (Hachodesh) 5770 | The Timeless Message of Passover
2/28/10 Ki Sisa (Parah) 5770 | Is Judaism for Kids?
2/26/10 Tetzaveh (Zachor) 5770 | Evolution and Amalek
2/19/10 Terumah (5770) | Judaism and the Olympics: The Real Competition
2/12/10 Mishpatim (Shekalim) 5770 | To Kill or not to Kill: The Bible and Capital Punishment
2/04/10 Yisro (5770) | To Be a "Mensch"
1/28/10 Beshalach (5770) | Outreach For Dummies
1/22/10 Bo (5770) | The Rambam and the Bible Codes
1/15/10 Vaeira (5770) | Stone Deaf
1/08/10 Shemos (5770) | BirthRATE Israel
12/31/09 Vayechi (5770) | The Strange Burial of Esau's Head
12/25/09 Vayigash (5770) | Our Patriarch Jacob's "Moving" Experience
12/16/09 Mikeitz (5770) | Dreamin' of a White Chanukah
12/11/09 Vayeishev (5770) | Tiger in a Cage
12/04/09 Vayishlach (5770) | Thinking out of the Box
11/27/09 Vayeitzei (5770) | Santa Claus and the Jewish Religion
11/20/09 Toldos (5770) | Advice 101
11/12/09 Chayei Sara (5770) | �Old Matriarchs Never Die ...�
11/06/09 Vayeira (5770) | Abraham and the Athiests
10/30/09 Lech Lecha (5770) | Circumcision and the Jews: Together Forever
10/23/09 Noach (5770) | The Tower of "Babble" and the Origin of Languages
10/15/09 Beraishis (5770) | Shabbos: You Get What You Put Into It
10/08/09 VeZos Haberacha - Sukkos (5770) | A Man's Sukkah is his Castle
9/25/09 Haazinu - Yom Kippur (5770) | Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement and Smoked Fish
9/18/09 Rosh Hashanah (5770) | The Shofar and the Chauffeur
9/11/09 Nitzavim - Vayeilech (5769) | Jews, Brisket and the Day of Judgment
9/03/09 Ki Savo (5769) | The "Wandering Jew" in Exile: An Amazing Prediction Comes True!
8/28/09 Ki Seitzei (5769) | The Get We Never Got
8/21/09 Shoftim (5769) | GUARD THOSE GATES!
8/14/09 Re-eh (5769) | Amazing Gematria (Hebrew Numerology)
8/07/09 Eikev (5769) | Benching For Dummies
7/31/09 Vaeschanan (5769) | FATHER (IN HEAVEN) KNOWS BEST
7/24/09 Devarim [Shabbos Chazon] (5769) | �Senseless Hatred" 101
7/15/09 Matos-Masei (5769) | STILL CRYIN� AFTER ALL OF THESE YEARS
7/10/09 Pinchas (5769) | PINCHAS, THE PEACEFUL ZEALOT
7/03/09 Chukas - Balak (5769) | The "Best" Doctors
6/26/09 Korach (5769) | Of Dogs and "Aufruf"s
6/19/09 Shelach (5769) | JUDAISM: LETTING OUR KIDS DECIDE?
6/12/09 Behaaloscha (5769) | JEWISH HISTORY AND THE "UPSIDE-DOWN NUNS"
6/05/09 Nasso (5769) | DOING THE RIGHT THING �. NO MATTER WHAT
5/22/09 Bamidbar (5769) | Take Two Tablets ...
5/14/09 Behar-Bechukosai (5769) | The Gift
5/08/09 Emor (5769) | (Jewish) Mother's Day
4/30/09 Acharei Mos - Kedoshim (5769) | CHINUCH: PRACTICE FOR THE REAL THING
4/24/09 Tazria - Metzora (5769) | �ONEG�S AND ANAGRAMS
4/02/09 Tzav (Shabbos Hagadol) - (5769) | THE FOUR SONS: WHERE DO YOU FIT IN?
3/27/09 Vayikra (5769) | THE �OCTOMOM� AND THE EXODUS
3/19/09 Vayakhel-Pekudei (HaChodesh) - (5769) | In Search of (the Meaning of) Chametz
3/12/09 Ki Sisa - Parah (5769) | Of Palindromes and Ponzi Schemes
3/06/09 Tetzaveh - Purim (5769) | HOW NOT TO STOP AN INTERMARRIAGE
2/20/09 Mishpatim (5769) | WHOSE MONEY IS IT ANYWAY?
2/13/09 Yisro (5769) | THE �BARUCH HASHEM� JEW
2/06/09 Beshalach - Shira (5769) | TU B'SHVAT AND THE "UPSIDE-DOWN" TREE
1/23/09 Vaeira (5769) | Stone Deaf
1/16/09 Shemos (5769) | MOSES AND THE GRAD ROCKETS
1/09/09 Vayechi (5769) | Got Smiles?
1/02/09 Vayigash (5769) | AN OLD BLESSING FOR THE NEW YEAR
12/26/08 Mikeitz (5769) | It's Not "All or Nothing" in Judaism
12/19/08 Vayeishev (5769) | THE QUIET ROOM
12/12/08 Vayishlach (5769) | SANTA CLAUS AND THE JEWISH RELIGION
12/05/08 Vayeitzei (5769) | What They Never Told You About Jewish Weddings
11/28/08 Toldos (5769) | RELATIONSHIPS 101
11/21/08 Chaya Sara (5769) | Death & Marriage: A Comparison Jewish
11/14/08 Vayeira (5769) | Abraham & Sarah's Jewish Hospitality Guide
11/07/08 Lech Lecha (5769) | Idols 'R' Us
10/31/08 Noach (5769) | A Biblical Dose of Riddlin'
10/24/08 Beraishis (5769) | G-d Vs. Science? ... The Age of the Universe
10/17/08 Sukkos (5769) | Prayer and the "Aravah-Branch" of Judaism
10/08/08 Yom Kippur (5769) | KING KONG, YOM KIPPUR AND THE "REAL YOU"
10/03/08 Vayeilech (5769) | �I Am A Jew!�
9/26/08 Nitzavim (5768) | "I Believe in What?!" - The Secret Power of Amen
9/19/08 Ki Savo (5768) | Trial Prep for Rosh Hashanah
9/10/08 Ki Seitzei (5768) | Amalek: The Nation That Puts The "Sin" in Cynicism
9/05/08 Shoftim (5768) | What Sarah Palin Taught Me
8/29/08 Re-eh (5768) | Jews, Charity and the number 18!
8/22/08 Eikev (5768) | The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear (of G-d) Itself
8/15/08 Va-Eschanan (5768) | Tu B'av: The Jewish Valentine's Day?
8/08/08 Devarim (5768) | Tisha B'av and the Power of Speech
8/01/08 Masei (5768) | "This Land is Our Land ..."
7/25/08 Mattos (5768) | What's A "Shalom Zachar"?
7/18/08 Pinchas (5768) | The Good Old Days
7/11/08 Balak (5768) | The Messiah: A "Star" is Born
7/04/08 Chukas (5768) | Sing Your Own Song
6/27/08 Korach (5768) | The Mystery of the Missing On
6/20/08 Shelach (5768) | Tzitzis: The Mitzvah With Strings Attached
6/12/08 Behaaloscha (5768) | Jews and Free Food
6/05/08 Naso (5768) | Shavuos: The Forgotten Jewish Holiday?
6/04/08 Bamidbar (5768) | The M-Word
5/19/08 Emor (5768) | Israel @ 60 ... So Now What?